An Overview Of Hepatitis C Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

An Overview Of Hepatitis C Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

Americans this post is for you. Did you not know? In the US the prevalence of hepatitis C is greater than HIV which is shocking, isn’t it? Hepatitis C is much more prevalent in Americans in comparison to HIV infections, having nearly twice the number of cases confirmed up to now. In addition, 50-90% of intravenous drug users who are HIV positive are also suffering from HCV.

While this deadly virus feeds on the liver of a person It is also able to cause damage to other organs and disrupt their function as time passes. This is why it’s known as an invisible killer. When you realize that something isn’t right it might be too for you to save your liver. We’re urging everyone who is out there to get medical attention and have regular screenings for HCV(especially those of you who are Americans). Also, please share and read this blog post to know more about this deadly disease, and how to avoid and treat it with medications such as Sovihep or Ledifos 400 mg/90 mg.

What Is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C(HCV) It is a sneaky enemy that attacks your liver. It triggers an avalanche of swelling and inflammation, which gradually deteriorates the liver’s tissues as time passes. It’s an unnoticed killer that may be present within your body for a long time without showing any signs until it’s too far to fix the damage.

We all know of the fact that Hepatitis C is a form of hepatitis which is transmitted via viruses. The surprising part is that HCV may be spread through other sources, too. However, it is the primary cause for the majority of sources. In addition, the main distinction between the two most common HCV and hepatitis virus i.e, HBV and HCV is the fact that HCV is chronic.

How Common Is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a sub-par illness that has taken over all of the U.S. in the last decade. It has increased the number of its victims by nearly four times and has affected almost 4 million people across the country. A lot of them don’t be aware that they have contracted the disease. The CDC has released an urgent plea to everyone U.S. adult to get checked for hepatitis. In other countries, the situation is more alarming. The number of cases is 60 million. Hepatitis C is an explosive ticking time bomb that could lead to serious liver problems. Don’t let it catch you completely off guard. Take a test and get treated today.

What Are the Symptoms Of Hepatitis C?

While the signs of HCV appear a bit longer than HBV these are possible signs that could pop anywhere between 2 weeks and 6 months in an HCV-positive patient.

  • Fever
  • Exhaustion.
  • Entire body hurts
  • My appetite has diminished.

In addition, they could reflect the following indicators of liver failure with severe severity:

  • Stomach pain, especially on the upper-right side.
  • Quasiiness and vomiting.
  • Dark-colored urine with light-colored feces.
  • The teeth, nails and sclera i.e jaundice

How Do You Get Hepatitis C?

chronic Hepatitis C is a complex and serious type of virus because, in contrast to Hepatitis B it has a chance of acquiring severe liver damage like the development of liver failure and cirrhosis is extremely high. If you are interested in understanding the process of development and progression of HCV, check out the following article:

  • The exposure or incubation phase
  • Acute HCV
  • Chronic HCV
  • Cirrhosis
  • Liver cancer

Duration of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C can be found in two types that are chronic and acute. Around 15 to 25% of those who are infected by hepatitis C will only experience an acute infection. It disappears within six months.

The remaining 75-85 percent of people are likely to be hepatitis C carriers. They suffer from an infection that may last a lifetime untreated. Chronic hepatitis C can cause complications related to hepatitis C, such as persistent liver diseases, cirrhosis and even liver cancer.

Treatment and Medication Options for Hepatitis C

The past few years have seen some remarkable advancements regarding the management of hepatitis C.

For a long time, the most common treatment was a combo antiviral therapy that included the pegylated interferon (a synthetic form of a protein that is released from immune cells when they encounter disease-causing agents) and the ribavirin (Virazole), sometimes known as PEG-riba therapy. It involved weekly injections of pegylated interferons, along with two doses daily of oral the drug ribavirin. In some instances, interferon was prescribed with or without the use of ribavirin.

How Is Hepatitis C Diagnosed?

If you’re experiencing the above symptoms Your doctor will suggest these two tests:

  • The test for antibodies
  • The test is a PCR

This test for antibodies is an examination of blood that is used to look for the presence of the Hepatitis C virus within your body. Antibodies function as soldiers that your immune system uses to fight off invaders. If the test results are positive, it means that you’ve come into contact with HCV. However, it doesn’t tell you if your body is actively fighting off the disease or not.

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